Breathing is the most essential thing in our lives yet we take it for granted. Breath is so important it is hard wired deep in the most protected part of the brain. If for some reason we are forced to go with out breathing we will die in a matter of minutes. Years of not breathing correctly can lead to lung problems such as emphysema which is a loss of elasticity in the lungs. Of course exposure to foreign substances such as cigarette smoke further contribute to this hardening of lung tissue, but you need to get air down deep into the lungs into the alveoli to keep the lungs supple and strong. This also helps the lungs expire toxins that are lodged deep down in the lungs. Full lung or diaphragmatic breathing does more than just help keep the lungs healthy it also tonifies the entire body. Because it is half of the cardio-pulmonary cycle diaphragmatic breathing helps keep the heart strong. Also the increased oxygen also improves brain as well as body function.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing is an awesome tool to calm anxieties an cope with stress. It is also a great way to learn how to meditate. Diaphragmatic breathing is something that can be done any where, in public or in private. You can do it on an airplane during take off, during a test, while waiting for an appointment or any time you may feel fearful or anxious. At first all you need to do is focus on breathing and later once you get the hang of it you can use is along with focused thought to help with manifesting a particular outcome.
When you get anxious certain hormones and neurotransmitter, such as cortisol or norepinephrine, are released into the blood stream causing a number of physiological reactions including rapid heart rate increases the feeling of anxiety. Breathing in this manner helps the body slow down and avoid excess release of these hormones into the blood stream. Diaphragmatic breathing also slows the heart rate promoting a feeling of calm. This ultimately allows you to deal with the situation in a constructive manner.
Sit or lay in a comfortable position make sure your feet and arms are not crossed unless you choose to sit in a lotus position. It may help if you close your eyes. Until you get the hang of it place one hand gently on the center of you stomach just below your rib cage, right in front below your sternum where your ribs begin to curve down, so you can learn to feel your diaphragm. Later you can skip this step.
Breathe in slowly, maybe for a count of 5, and as deeply as is comfortable then hold your breath for a count of two, the tightening feeling in your stomach is your diaphragm tightening. Now release the air as quickly as is comfortable, maybe for a count of three. The main idea is to slowly and gently fill your lungs completely, hold the air briefly then release. The counting is just a guideline to get you started. Once you start to recognize the feeling of your diaphragm tightening you can place your hand in a more comfortable position and simply follow your breath with out counting.
As you breathe in and out if you should feel a tingling in your fingers it is perfectly natural. It is that you are getting too much oxygen and you need to slow down your breathing.
With diaphragmatic breathing all you have to do is breathe. You may hear sounds or have a thought but you can let it go and simply return your focus to the breath.. Always return to the gentle in and out of breathing. I like to start with my feet and breathing think about each part of my body till I get to my head. You can also do a guided imagery like walking down a path to your favorite peaceful place, say a mountain top or a beach. The imagery can also be a focus such as breathing health into your body. This breathing can also be done in bed as a way fall asleep.
Start out doing this practice 10 minutes a day and extend the as you can. The important thing is to practice. That way you can easily use this tool when needed. If you practice regularly you will find that you feel more peace in your life than ever before.